From Ibiza to Luleå – the pandemic brought her home

February 2020, Ibiza. Anna Victoria Söderström has lived on Ibiza for several years and really likes it there. The island has a vibrant music scene and parties 24/7, it’s home to many creatives, and the ocean and nature are around the corner. Anna has just signed the lease to her first real home and is looking forward to a steady stream of DJ gigs during the summer. She just wants to go on a quick trip home to Luleå first, to see her parents. The short visit unexpectedly turned into a much longer stay...

Are you interested in moving to Luleå? Read more here! Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

"When I was growing up, I didn't feel that Luleå was that culturally exciting, everything was quite mainstream here – sports bars and folk artists. But now something is happening, there are many of us who have moved back home during the pandemic and who want to be involved in developing cultural life."

– I only had some hand luggage with me, the plan was to stay for just two weeks! But I guess life was meant to turn out this way, Anna Victoria says.

Today, she lives in a one-room flat in central Luleå, where she’s set up her own music studio. Her career in music has taken off again – only this time with shows in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

– Things are really exciting; many people moved back north during the pandemic and want to breathe new life into the cultural scene. It’s as if we both changed as individuals, me and Luleå, and now suddenly we’re a perfect match again!

Are you interested in moving to Luleå? Read more here! Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Woman singing on a dark stage.

When the travel restrictions were removed, she went to Ibiza to empty the house and collect her things. ”Then I knew I would stay in Luleå. It became a journey to put an end to the past on the island. Ibiza is always in my heart and I know this is not the last time our paths will cross in this life, but Luleå is my home now.”

Who is Anna Victoria?

  • Keeps busy: Artist and entrepreneur.
  • Lives: In the centre of Luleå.
  • Grew up: Skurholmen, a part of central Luleå.
  • Age: 32.
  • Favourite place in Luleå: Northpaw, Norrland’s largest martial arts gym.
  • Luleå in three words: Tomorrow’s Silicon Valley.


Text: Frida Mörtsell

Foto: Jimmy Edlund, Burban Studios
