Sara Adam felt welcome in Luleå

Hmm, I wonder what city that is? Sara Adam thinks quietly to herself as she shifts in her seat on the bus to look out the window. Confused, she glances at her watch. Night has fallen, but it isn’t dark.

She nudges her brother next to her to wake him. Where does he think they might be? Because they can’t have arrived in Kiruna yet. After a while, the bus pulls over. A sign answers their question: Luleå Bus Terminal.

– The city looked magical. We were fascinated by the sea. We talked about returning to live here if we could get a residence permit, Sara shares.

Are you interested in moving to Luleå? Read more here! Länk till annan webbplats.


A woman in a winter landscape.

Sara Adam grew up in Kuwait but had to leave the country in 2017 due to a change in the law. After a few tough months, she found her home in Råneå and later in central Luleå. Here, Sara found the community she had been missing.

All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place in 2020. Sara did what she’d been talking and dreaming about ever since she’d been on that bus to Kiruna a few years before. She moved to Luleå with her family. And she was contacted by Save The Children, which she had worked for as a volunteer. Would she be able to start working for them in Luleå, they wondered.

– All my life, I struggled to feel at home in Kuwait, because I was actually an Eritrean citizen. Now I do feel like I belong. In Luleå! This is my home now, Sara says.

Are you interested in moving to Luleå? Read more here! Länk till annan webbplats.

A woman standing in a library.

Sara Adam at the library in Råneå. Sara believes that the time in Råneå was the first time since she left Kuwait that she felt like she was part of a community. She started working as a volunteer for Save the Children, where she is currently employed.

Who is Sara Adam?

  • Keeps busy: Project & Process Manager at Save The Children.
  • Grew up: Kuwait.
  • Lives: In the centre.
  • Age: 32
  • Favourite place in Luleå: The stairs outside of Kulturens Hus and Wayne's Coffe
  • Luleå in three words: Modern, youthful, organised.


Text: Elin Carlansson
Foto: Petra Älvstrand
