The exchange student who returned

At Luleå municipality there are 300 different professions, where and internship can be a possibility for further insight into the different departments. One person who is currently doing her internship at the communications unit at Luleå municipality is Rebecca Klaue from Germany.


Luleå municipality offers students an opportunity to gain experience in different ocupations before they finish their studies. Students can apply for internships, a role as a student employee or do their degree project at Luleå Municipality.

Last fall she studied at LTU for one semester where she got to do a project course with Luleå municipality and the communications unit. This spring she is back for a six-month internship.

Last fall she studied at LTU for one semester where she got to do a project course with Luleå municipality and the communications unit. This spring she is back for a six-month internship.

– I have always wanted to travel up to northern Sweden and see the unique environment, experience all four seasons and it is a good size of the city so I knew that I wanted to go to Sweden for my semester abroad.

During the project, she was introduced to place branding and the communications unit, so the decision to come back to do her internship was easy to make.

– Discovering the Swedish summer with all the little red houses with white details looks so cozy, and an opportunity I can't say no to. The winter and the ice road were incredible, and it is so fun to see the city again when spring is here and the whole city has water around it and many new walking paths emerge.

The work tasks can differ from day to day and one of the first tasks Rebecca got was to write an article about Luleå.

– My first task at Luleå municipality was to write an article about 12 things to do around Luleå, so I got to discover a bit more of the city.

The work tasks can differ from day to day and one of the first tasks Rebecca got was to write an article about Luleå.

– For my more ongoing tasks I am now looking into the German market to see how we can attract talent to Luleå. Since I know the language, I can visit the German websites and research the information needed. The target group is quite set based on what knowledge is needed and what industires are located in Luleå. My focus is to figure out how to reach these target groups.

Besides her work in the office, she is also doing "field studies" in Luleå kommun.

– Last week, I went to a few nature reserves within the kommune, to discover the beautiful scenery. That will help me to advertise the region in ongoing projects.

Even though she hasn't lived in Luleå for long, she has managed to see and do a lot both inside and outside the city.

– A friend and I were in Jokkmokk for a weekend hike but realized that this early in the spring it was not the best time for it for it was incredibly muddy and difficult to get to the hiking trail. It was beautiful, but too difficult to walk and drive so I have to go back another time and hope for better paths.

When she was asked if she would recommend others to come to Luleå, a quick yes left her mouth,

– It is a wonderful city with an incredible location, all four seasons really exist, and you can easily travel both up and down the country either by plane or train if you have a little more time. There are also good buses to nearby cities, so you don't have to have a car either.


Text: Madeleine Bille

Pictures: Ida Lundh
